Lightning Lane: Unknown
The newest show coming to the Tree of Life Theater features Judy Hopps, Nick Wilde, and all their friends from Disney Animation’s Zootopia. The show, “Zootopia: Better Zoogether!” will take guests on an adventure through different biomes seen in the film and opens in winter 2025.
Inside the base of the Tree of Life is the theatre that currently houses the 4-D showing of It’s Tough to be a Bug. Guests follow winding paths around the Tree of Life where they can take their time and enjoy trying to spot the 325 creatures carvings. Most of the queue area is unshaded.
TIP: On hot days, mister fans can provide respite from the heat.
Handicapped Accessibility: The theatre is wheelchair accessible. There are assistive listening devices for hearing impaired guests. For deaf guests, reflective captioning is available, ask a CM at the entrance for details.